Terms and Conditions

In using this website, you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions:
The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements:
"Client," “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. "The Company", “Ourselves,” “We” and "Us," refers to our Company. “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves, or either the Client or ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, whether by formal meetings of a fixed duration, or any other means, for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of provision of the Company’s stated services/products, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing [Country Law]. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.
Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized employees within the company on a need to know basis only use any information collected from individual customers. We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers.
Client records are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party, other than [our manufacturer/supplier(s) and] if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities. Clients have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all Client Records we keep, on the proviso that we are given reasonable notice of such a request. Clients are requested to retain copies of any literature issued in relation to the provision of our services. Where appropriate, we shall issue Clients with appropriate written information, handouts or copies of records as part of an agreed contract, for the benefit of both parties. We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and products.
Disclaimer Exclusions and Limitations
The information on this website is provided on an "as is" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Company:
Excludes all representations and warranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any affiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or commissions in this website and/or the Company’s literature; and excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website. This includes, without limitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits (whether or not the loss of such profits was foreseeable, arose in the normal course of things or you have advised this Company of the possibility of such potential loss), damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and the data thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages.  This Company does not, however, exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence. The above exclusions and limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law. None of your statutory rights as a consumer are affected. 
 Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any obligation under any Agreement which is due to an event beyond the control of such party including but not limited to any Act of God, terrorism, war, Political insurgence, insurrection, riot, civil unrest, act of civil or military authority, uprising, earthquake, flood or any other natural or manmade eventuality outside of our control, which causes the termination of an agreement or contract entered into, nor which could have been reasonably foreseen. Any Party affected by such event shall forthwith inform the other Party of the same and shall use all reasonable endeavors to comply with the terms and conditions of any Agreement contained herein.  
Online Payment
 All online payments are secured. The items purchased by paying online should be delivered to the cardholder or a representative for him after ID's for the cardholder and the presentative are provided to CanarySouq.
Like most interactive web sites this Company’s website [or ISP] uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. Some of our affiliate partners may also use cookies.